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Climate change is an irrefutable reality and slow incremental changes are not enough especially as we approach critical tipping points. 2050 is too late. We need proven short-term actions with deadlines of 2023, 2024, 2025. For over twenty years I have developed and implemented climate solutions and policies which are not only critical globally but here in our district where the impacts of climate change are occurring faster than in many other places. Climate change is already happening right in our community, disrupting fishing industries which power our local economy and damaging our natural ecosystems.

New England Coastal Waters Warming More Than Anywhere Else In U.S.

Locally change is not only possible it is imperative. For example, every year towns and cities across our commonwealth are given the opportunity to opt out of mosquito spraying programs. Those who care for saltmarshes, bees or have read Rachael Carson’s Silent Spring understand why opting out is critical. That’s why all four municipalities in our district have long opposed this spraying. Year after year when this issue has been brought up for public vote the citizens of our communities have (by large majority) voted against spraying and prefered to opt out of the state spraying programs. Unfortunately, even in communities who opt out of spraying private companies can be hired to spay. What is the point of voting to stop spraying if individuals can still spray? Laws need to be in place so that if a community votes to ban spraying there are no loopholes that allow spraying to happen against the will of the majority.

Wastewater treatment is a critical issue to coastal communities especially when continued building means our waste water treatment plants are over capacity. Rather than looking for ways to be allowed to release more untreated water into our ocean, now is the perfect time to implement newer, energy and carbon negative wastewater treatment options which will better protect our ocean and result in net savings for our communities.